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Former Chief Examiner for A level PE, author of over 14 PE text books and revision guides, Speaker at numerous National conferences and revision workshops 


Interactive Revsion Aid for  OCR H555/03 Socio- cultural issues in physical activity and sport

Download presentation and workbook for only £4.99 as used at Revsion conferences


Revision Aids for A level PE 2018 - coming soon A&P amd Exercise Phsyiology revision resource

Twitter - follow us @pe4u 


Other great websites for A level PE

My Books - this link takes you to my Amazon page, where you can see the textbooks and revision books I have authored

Long standing website dedicated to A level PE - just in process on moving Web hosts so pages are still in progress - as a former Chief Examiner for A level PE, Author of numerous text books and revision guides and teacher of A level PE for 30 years.

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© Michael Hill